Saturday, June 29, 2013

First post!

Hello all! Esh here.

It's weird rejoining Blogger. I actually had a Kpop blog on this thing (a looooong time ago) before I switched to Wordpress and then finally Tumblr. Tumblr is my fangirl blog, so go check it out if you're interested in my Kpop realm of my life (which dominates quite a big part of me, I must say, and i'm happy that it is haha)

kpop/picture blog: here

Anyways, I opened this blog to talk, basically. I'm mainly going to do product reviews because I'd like to share my experience with using such products (specifically skincare and makeup) so nobody makes the same mistakes that I do and go about wasting their money. It's not going to get that personal, but I'd still like you guys to get the gist of who I am!

Well, I'm Esh and my age range is between 15-20. I hail from the lovely, humid, polluted city of Hong Kong, born and raised here. I'm of 100% chinese ethnicity.

I love singing, dancing, and mainly drawing. I've also developed a liking towards theatre, which has really helped me become a more outgoing and less-shy of a person that I used to be. I also love love love cute things ;u;

Regarding product reviews, I'm a bit hesitant, but I guess why not. Some things are really not worth the money that they are put out there for and some really are worth it. As a complete and utter NUB in terms of makeup and skincare (i've only started truly caring in the recent year), without reviews I would be wasting a lot more of my money than I have. So to give back to people, I thought I should make my own reviews!

So i've grown up with eczema, and just really sensitive skin in general. I also have combination skin, which is specifically an oil mine around the nose, chin and the space between my eyebrows (?) areas and then dry on the cheeks. Combined with the humid, polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong, I am pretty prone to breakouts.

My main skin concerns are the blackheads all over my nose, and allergies. So. many. skin. allergies. 

I'm constantly on a hunt to find products both skincare and makeup which do not irritate my skin and clog my pores/cause excess oil. I'm looking forward to sharing my finds with everyone!

...that will be it for now,
Esh out!

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