Sunday, June 30, 2013

[Travel] South Korea: Seoul (Febuary, 2013)

Hello all! Esh here,

As you guys might know, I am madly in love with K-Pop and thus these years I've been craving to go to South Korea. At first it was only because of the longing to breath the same air as my favorite celebrities, but now it has flourished into an interest for many things Korean other than their Idolized entertainment industry. The food (street food! mm), language, the pop culture, the fashion, the streets...everything has just captured my attention.

Last year my family and I had gone to Seoul, but on a tour, so we were limited to our free activities. This year, I opted to become our own private family tour guide so we can do what we want to do on our own time without needing to rush back on the tour bus every few hours :D

It's my second time going to Seoul and the first ever time going to Seoul without a tour guide, so naturally we had to figure everything out ourselves. BUT this time I didn't have the help of my parents since I volunteered to take care of everything. So, I had to make sure I was getting all the information correctly about destinations and our means of transport before going to ensure that I don't get my family lost somewhere in Seoul HAHA (that wouldn't be very nice, would it)

So the main plan was to get around by the subway, which was recommended by my Korean language tutor (who's hometown is Incheon). He said that taxis tend to drive the longer routes due to the fact that we're foreigners, so it's best to take the subway. Buses were also an option, but fortunately, all of our desired destinations were somewhere on the Seoul Subway Line 2, so we didn't need a bus.

I had initially wanted to bring my family to the Namsan Tower and the outdoor Yeouido Park which lines up right along the Han River. However, these mainly outdoor activities were a big no-no for my family when we got there because of the frigid, cold weather.

Seriously. The cold weather was no joke.

...and to make matters more extreme, we were flying in from Hong Kong, where our lowest temperatures in the Winter times ranges 5-12 degrees and it never snows here! So flying into freezing Seoul with slippery ice and nose burning coldness did take quite some time to get used to.

SO, I have a few pictures to share and i'll just share them in accordance to the districts and places that we've visited;


Just how can you ever leave out the lively place of Myeongdong if you travel to Seoul? It's full of pretty much everything, from clothes to footwear, from footwear to eyewear, from eyewear to skincare and from skincare to food! LOTS OF FOOD!!!! My family's hotel, the Lotte Hotel in Seoul is just right around the corner of Myeongdong, an extremely convenient 5 minute walk away, which explains our frequent visits to this place during our stay in Seoul. We would eat breakfast in Myeongdong, take the subway to another district, then roundhouse back to Myeongdong for dinner.

Myeongdong is like a trendy district, there are teens everywhere, street stalls, and street FOOD! There's this potato thing where it's deep fried then put on a stick, kind of like intantly made potato chips. It's so fattening but so good! You guys mUST try that if you happen to stumble across it in Myeongdong. Oops, off topic. What I wanted to say is that Myeongdong is pretty huge, you can't possibly walk through this place thoroughly in one day. Do take your time and explore the streets before thoroughly spending your money because you really don't want to miss anything in these colorful streets :)

[Review] Cure: Natural Aqua Gel Exfoliator

Hey all! Esh here, and here too, is my first review.

As I've said in my introduction post, I'm always looking for gentle ways, non-irritable ways to kick all them blackheads and gunk alike out of my skin.

Out of curiosity, I went online and searched up explanations of what really caused blackheads in the first place. Turns out, it's all the oxidized, excess gunk stuck in our pores which makes up the blackheads. Amongst all the gunk that could have gone into our pores, dead skin cells is one of them, and this made me realize the importance of exfoliating and then also to the realisation that "OH MAH GOODNESS!!!! I DON'T EVEN OWN AN EXFOLIATOR?????" 

So I hunted up for some products and I came across Cure Natural Aqua Gel in one of Bubzbeauty's videos (thank you, bubz! eehee). I was aware that most exfoliators had rough bits in them (usually a grainy texture) and it's kind of common sense that having rough products scrubbin' away on my sensitive skin wasn't the most ideal way to go. So, when I heard that the Cure Natural Aqua gel was a gel that works with water based and natural ingredients without any hard bits in it, I was immediately tempted to purchase it.

I did, in the end, off (which was stupid of me because I didn't realize at that time that the local Watsons in HK sold this product too lOLOLOL sigh this happens all the time). It was pretty pricey but honestly,...I thought it was worth it! Read on  to my review to see why :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Weird English Words

Hey all! Esh here,

*random post up ahead, i warn you that you WILL waste at least a minute or two of your life, leave before those precious minutes are gone!

First post!

Hello all! Esh here.

It's weird rejoining Blogger. I actually had a Kpop blog on this thing (a looooong time ago) before I switched to Wordpress and then finally Tumblr. Tumblr is my fangirl blog, so go check it out if you're interested in my Kpop realm of my life (which dominates quite a big part of me, I must say, and i'm happy that it is haha)

kpop/picture blog: here

Anyways, I opened this blog to talk, basically. I'm mainly going to do product reviews because I'd like to share my experience with using such products (specifically skincare and makeup) so nobody makes the same mistakes that I do and go about wasting their money. It's not going to get that personal, but I'd still like you guys to get the gist of who I am!

Well, I'm Esh and my age range is between 15-20. I hail from the lovely, humid, polluted city of Hong Kong, born and raised here. I'm of 100% chinese ethnicity.

I love singing, dancing, and mainly drawing. I've also developed a liking towards theatre, which has really helped me become a more outgoing and less-shy of a person that I used to be. I also love love love cute things ;u;

Regarding product reviews, I'm a bit hesitant, but I guess why not. Some things are really not worth the money that they are put out there for and some really are worth it. As a complete and utter NUB in terms of makeup and skincare (i've only started truly caring in the recent year), without reviews I would be wasting a lot more of my money than I have. So to give back to people, I thought I should make my own reviews!

So i've grown up with eczema, and just really sensitive skin in general. I also have combination skin, which is specifically an oil mine around the nose, chin and the space between my eyebrows (?) areas and then dry on the cheeks. Combined with the humid, polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong, I am pretty prone to breakouts.

My main skin concerns are the blackheads all over my nose, and allergies. So. many. skin. allergies. 

I'm constantly on a hunt to find products both skincare and makeup which do not irritate my skin and clog my pores/cause excess oil. I'm looking forward to sharing my finds with everyone!

...that will be it for now,
Esh out!